Modern Dental Office Build Outs in Homerglen, IL | The Modern Dentist
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The Modern Dentist logo

We are The Modern Dentist. Remodeling and building new dental office clinics throughout the surrounding suburbs of Chicago, Indiana, and South Carolina while you remain open, is our specialty.   We provide our clients with fast, affordable renovations and new office build-outs without compromising quality or aesthetics.  At The Modern Dentist, our team believes and understands the importance of a collaborative relationship between doctor, builder, designer, and your preferred equipment supplier. As a result of our process and skills, our clients will be sure to experience a successful operation of today’s modern practice without paying for the high markups of our competitors in the dental office construction industry.

The Modern Dentist is focused on renovating and building a smooth functioning practice leaving you with the most modern, state-of-the-art, friendly, and tranquil atmosphere for you, your patients, and employees to enjoy for years to come.

From Ground-Up To Interior Build-Outs

From Ground-Up To Interior Build-Outs

Project commitment, team collaboration, design excellence, and most of all strong communication are the cornerstones of this firm and have been TMD's recipe for success since 2003. Ultimately, members of our team work together with dedication to deliver quality work and the attention to detail that you deserve giving you the confidence in knowing that you partnered with the right general contractor to update or build your new clinic.

The Modern Dentist logo

It all starts with great design.  From design to execution, The Modern Dentist (TMD) focuses on every detail of your project. They believe that good design starts with the fundamentals of what draws you into a space and strategic floor plans that allow doctors and staff to flow without effort.  The team at TMD have dedicated their professional lives to designing, creating and building projects while continuously staying updated in the industry.

We listen.  And as a result, our clients will be sure to have a great customer experience even when faced with obstacles such as picking out finishes to help bring together our design visions. They can make changes quickly and easily should the need arise at any stage of a project while minimizing delays and working seamlessly together.

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